Creating spectacular landscapes in small spaces

  • Three unique situations, three unique lawns

    27 August 2015

    You've spent the past few weeks doing battle with nature: digging, raking, hunting down weeds and sorting out the topsoil. You're finally ready to get your turf supply to complete the project and soak in the rewards. Unfortunately, buying turf isn't as simple as it may sound; fortunately, this article is going to give you the top breeds for three unique situations. The low maintenance Garden maintenance isn't for everyone. If you are looking to have a green garden without all the hard work, then look for Zoysia grass.

  • Toddler Delight: Landscaping Tips To Teach Your Child While Outside

    25 August 2015

    It won't be long before Spring arrives and your toddler will be chomping at the bit to escape the confines of the home and play outside in the fresh air. Now is the time to design changes to your garden to suit your newly walking child, so you can offer plenty of imagination and education stimulation. Here are two landscaping ideas you can embrace to help your child enjoy their time outside.

  • How Important Are Surveyors?

    20 August 2015

    You may not be fully aware of all the roles that surveyors have when it comes to buying and selling properties, but after going through this article you will have a basic understanding of their job. First, you must know that there isn't just a single type of surveyor that can do everything. The most sought after types of surveyors are land and property focused, both of whom have completely different roles.

  • 3 Essential Supplies for DIY Lawn Care Rookies

    14 August 2015

    A well-maintained natural turf lawn is an integral attribute of any inviting landscape. It helps exude the natural beauty of your home and is a source of great pride especially if you take care of the lawn by yourself. However, it takes the right assortment of supplies to ensure your lawn stays seamlessly beautiful for other people to see. If you are a novice when it comes to lawn care, here are some important supplies that you should have before getting started to keep your lawn looking radiant and well-kept.