Creating spectacular landscapes in small spaces

Factors to Remember When Choosing Building Supplies for a Home Renovation Project

by Janet Banks

When it's time to tackle any type of home renovation or repair project, you will probably need to buy your own building supplies or work with your contractor to make the best decision about the supplies you choose. While it's good to note professional recommendations as to what materials you'll need for a particular project, you might also want to keep a few additional factors in mind. Consider the following.

1. Environmentally friendly choices

If you're very eco-conscious then you want to choose building materials that are environmentally friendly. This can mean pieces made from recycled materials or pieces that are easy to recycle in the future, if you should decide to remodel again. As an example, note that you can recycle asphalt roofing shingles, but this usually involves heat to melt them down. That heat creates fumes and emissions. A metal roof only needs to be cut to size to be reused, so it can be a more environmentally friendly choice. For wood, you might opt for bamboo as it grows very quickly and is very sustainable, versus oak or mahogany. Consider how your decisions for building materials affect the environment when making your choices.

2. Availability

You want to consider how easily available materials are so that you don't face delays in your construction or renovation project, but also note that choosing rare materials that are not easily available can cause problems down the road. If you need to replace wooden floorboards or certain tiles in the home and have chosen a very rare material, you may not find it in the future or may find you're your rare building material replacements are very expensive. Opt for something readily available and easy to find so that you know it will always be in stock now and in the future.

3. Energy efficiency

The energy efficiency of certain building materials should be considered so you know you can save as much  money as possible on your utilities. Energy efficient choices might mean a metal roof that provides better insulation than asphalt tiles, blown foam insulation that fills in cracks and crevices better than fiberglass, and even cement walls that provide a better barrier against the elements than wood studs and drywall. Your contractor can tell you the best energy efficient choices for your home renovation and also for the area in which you live, and remember to factor this into your decision so you don't overspend on your utilities in the years following your renovation project.
